A Chance Meeting
Daphne - Part Two
By Clell65619
dan26 posted a comment on Thursday 28th January 2010 1:16pm for Daphne - Part Two
Anyway," Hermione continued as soon as she caught her breath. "The success of the series seemed to be a most poetic victory to me. I know everyone expected me to be the Minister of Magic by now, or to be the head Unspeakable with my own little ‘Bookworm’ signal in the sky when ever a puzzle needs unraveling, but honestly Harry, Ron and I got several lifetimes worth of excitement and stress from our school years and I felt no need to fight my way up a career path to high office." Hermione sipped her tea. "I write in the quiet bedlam of our home, and I still have more than enough time to care for our children and assist. Hermione with her own bookworm signal would make a fuuny story
amulder posted a comment on Monday 18th January 2010 10:51am for Daphne - Part Two
Minor Typo: "I know you saw was he did to your husband."
"Saw was" ??
Riegert8 posted a comment on Saturday 16th January 2010 4:01pm for Daphne - Part Two
Very good chapter
Tzu Con posted a comment on Monday 17th January 2011 3:34pm for Daphne - Part Two