A Chance Meeting
By Clell65619
Trscroggs posted a comment on Wednesday 11th August 2010 10:02am for Neville
Despite not really having a plot, by the deffinition of plot at least, I really enjoyed this story. It is an amusing snapshot into the lives of the characters when they didn't end up in Rowling's 'happily ever after' ending.
goku90504 posted a comment on Thursday 22nd April 2010 1:26am for Neville
Justin posted a comment on Friday 12th March 2010 4:35am for Neville
i love this story.
bannanacupcakes posted a comment on Wednesday 27th January 2010 5:36pm for Neville
Please continue :]
Keats449 posted a comment on Tuesday 19th January 2010 4:20pm for Neville
I think you did a good job figuring out where all the characters ended up [Pansy as Daphne's step-mother was definitely amusing :D], but beyond the "Where Are They Now" aspect, there's really nothing to this story. It would've been more interesting if there was some kind of conflict, it also, would've been nice to actually spend time showing Harry's day to day life with Tracey and Daphne, aside from the night Daphne first joined them, I don't think the three actually shared any other scenes together.
Clell65619 replied:
- the 'no conflict' is my whole motivation for this story.
- After thinking about your comments about Harry and his family, I find myself agreeing. So the next chapter is going to be entitled 'a day in the life', dealing with Harry, Tracey and Daphne's life together.
wolfkin posted a comment on Monday 18th January 2010 8:58pm for Neville
Excellent, just as all of yours are. Any chance of another chapter or six? ^_^
Clell65619 replied:
When I get the time, I have two more chapters plotted out. Luna and Reunion.
Sonicdale posted a comment on Saturday 16th January 2010 11:08pm for Neville
I've read the entire set of stories. Good show.
Found the interesting bits about the Duncan Blood series fun. That and the contrasts to Harry's "real" childhood.
Now all we need is the big reunion in NYC. How about a nice big dinner at some restaurant at the top of some big magical building? That and some fun Neville and Ron meetings with Harry. :)
Good work. I'm going to read the rest of your stuff -- I've read a lot on ff.net, but I'm hoping you post it here. Thanks for the fun reads.
Riegert8 posted a comment on Saturday 16th January 2010 4:04pm for Neville
This is a good chapter
Ph34r_n0_3V1L posted a comment on Saturday 16th January 2010 2:28pm for Neville
Awesome story. Moar plz.
MarinePotterfan posted a comment on Tuesday 2nd November 2010 10:59am for Neville