Content Harry Potter Original Young Justice


Man of Kent - Railwayman posted a comment on Saturday 2nd March 2013 6:42pm for Amelia Bones and the Man with the Umbrella


FeNo posted a comment on Saturday 16th June 2012 6:47am for Amelia Bones and the Man with the Umbrella

An interesting idea... maybe Steed is even a squib with some talents showing up now and again? It would fit to her thought of "how is he doing this to me" :D

The idea is intriguing and promisses great tales... but the story itself is too short to really be factorable, it truly stops where in a full written novel length fiction the first glimpse at character introduction would be ending... i.e. nothing really happening.

Cat suits? Now you make her sound like some shady american operative acting under the cover of a ... cat burglar? ;) Let's say in the famous metropolis of Gotham City? :P

Of course when you really put your mind to it Superman and Batman are from the thirties... So a mind boggling opportunity would be as well to have Augusta Longbottom giving the backstory of having been "Catwoman" in a similar liaison role fighting a syndicate of american magical criminals infesting the three or four largest cities ;)

tcl7189 posted a comment on Thursday 13th January 2011 11:02pm for Amelia Bones and the Man with the Umbrella

wow...i can see that working!!!

Anansii posted a comment on Monday 14th June 2010 10:28pm for Amelia Bones and the Man with the Umbrella

OK, wasn't expecting that. Good one!

David Thacker posted a comment on Saturday 16th January 2010 11:54pm for Amelia Bones and the Man with the Umbrella

How about Lily's mum is Steed's sister and he worked with Amelia Bones has Mrs. Peel. Or is it Miss. Peel? Great by the way.

LynnTerald posted a comment on Saturday 16th January 2010 7:33pm for Amelia Bones and the Man with the Umbrella

Ingenious mixing of the two stories. I never would have thought I'd run across a story that had both.

dennisud posted a comment on Saturday 16th January 2010 6:51pm for Amelia Bones and the Man with the Umbrella

Glad you joined the Big boys as Now I have a nother place to read your most excellent stories Dude!

Rageous Bud!


Carol Layland posted a comment on Saturday 16th January 2010 6:37pm for Amelia Bones and the Man with the Umbrella

Hello Clell65617. It is nice to see such a very talented author up here and being recognized. I am a total fan of Harry and it is nice to see someone else from that world being written about. I enjoyed this little story very much and look forward to more where Amelia uses the Emma Peel persona. Thank you for the lovely story.
Carol Layland

Riegert8 posted a comment on Saturday 16th January 2010 4:06pm for Amelia Bones and the Man with the Umbrella

This is a good story

sparrowphoenix posted a comment on Saturday 16th January 2010 2:27pm for Amelia Bones and the Man with the Umbrella

Hysterically funny. Nice to see you on here as an author. I hope you put up some of your other stories as well.

Good Luck and look forward to seeing more of your stuff like this.

biged78 posted a comment on Saturday 16th January 2010 9:08am for Amelia Bones and the Man with the Umbrella

Congratulations!! I see you made it to the big time. By being invited to post here or asking and receiving permission to, you have made your mark on the HP fanficdom.

nothorse posted a comment on Saturday 16th January 2010 7:15am for Amelia Bones and the Man with the Umbrella

Of course, someday I’m going to have to write a short story about Susan finding some of Auntie’s cat suits…

Oh, please do.