By Clell65619
Magnificent the Destroyer Lord posted a comment on Friday 21st August 2015 11:36pm
Actually, you had me worried there for a minute. Not sure class (or the lack there-of) was behind my not seeing the ending coming. :)
Gardengirl posted a comment on Tuesday 18th August 2015 6:54am
Oh my... what have you been consuming? I think I'll go the "Snoopy" route and chastise you about pepperoni pizza before bed.
Thanks - this was a great morning giggle!
Commando987 posted a comment on Tuesday 18th August 2015 6:43am
I cried from laughing! Great twist.
sambbo6 posted a comment on Monday 17th August 2015 9:02pm
ROFLMAO!!!!! That was funny!!!
troyguffey posted a comment on Monday 17th August 2015 4:45pm
I sort of saw what was coming, but couldn't look away.
She's going to WASH those clothes? I'd levitate them outside, then BURN them. With Fiendfyre .
Jason9 posted a comment on Monday 17th August 2015 12:36pm
Before reading this, I had just finished re-reading Technomage, and found myself wondering when the next chapter would be out. Then I saw this story and snarkily thought to myself: I'll leave a review of that one asking for the new chapter...nah, I can't do that. That would be a real jerk move. Then I read this story. When's the next chapter of Technomage going up? *Kidding! All your stuff is fun, some more sane than other stuff. Keep writing and having fun! We enjoy it.*
lwj2 posted a comment on Monday 17th August 2015 3:04am
No class at all here; still funny.
noylj posted a comment on Monday 17th August 2015 2:49am
MoRon the cross-dresser. Maybe he and draco could model for each other?
Anansii posted a comment on Monday 17th August 2015 12:43am
Double Barrelled Snerk!
Rick D Gale posted a comment on Sunday 16th August 2015 9:31pm
I KNEW IT! I knew there was something wrong with Ron. I must say, this is probably the only reason Ron liked Hermione to begin with. All those arguments at Hogwarts? They were just Ron's attempt to get Hermione to dress like he thought she should - or his idea of what would look good. Now she can go get to know Harry better.
mjc posted a comment on Sunday 16th August 2015 9:21pm
Ron: I hunt down dark wizards. I wear high heels, Suspendies, and a bra. I wish I'd been a girlie, Just like my dear Papa.
Lara Quinn posted a comment on Sunday 16th August 2015 8:48pm
The horror ... oh, the horror!!!
Riegert8 posted a comment on Sunday 16th August 2015 7:09pm
Ron is very creepy in this story, for wearing Hermione clothes. Hermione should get better locks
mac_gin posted a comment on Sunday 16th August 2015 6:44pm
Gahh, grabs drink to wash mouth out, damn punch line <snigger>
writerpayne posted a comment on Sunday 16th August 2015 6:10pm
Grabs a shovel, less messing and more writing! Interesting though! Would burn them asap
Jason9 posted a comment on Tuesday 1st September 2015 5:41am