Content Harry Potter Original Young Justice


Hoss posted a comment on Monday 25th February 2013 5:41pm for Here There Be Dragons

O were it true.That would have been great. Thanks.

Zevi posted a comment on Thursday 18th August 2011 2:56pm for Here There Be Dragons

"Next time accio faster!"
I like your sense of humor.

iTz_RAVEN posted a comment on Saturday 8th January 2011 10:26pm for Here There Be Dragons

lololol it's hilarious that the broom came just as he finished.

Abraxan posted a comment on Monday 11th October 2010 11:36pm for Here There Be Dragons



Puffyboots posted a comment on Tuesday 7th September 2010 11:23am for Here There Be Dragons

Wow, that is a different take on an interesting episode in the books. It almost would have been more interesting that way...its not realistic to have a person's plans always work out. Besides, the challenge for facing the dragons was supposed to be innovation; I feel that this solution fits that criteria rather well.

Anyway, good story!

cattycas posted a comment on Monday 9th August 2010 12:59pm for Here There Be Dragons


Miminomo posted a comment on Saturday 22nd May 2010 10:51am for Here There Be Dragons

Fun idea, I might use it on a redo I'm writing.

DanniKay posted a comment on Wednesday 10th February 2010 1:30pm for Here There Be Dragons

LMAO! Wow. Read that and laughed so hard! Short and sweet, loved it!

Forever&3moreSeconds posted a comment on Sunday 24th January 2010 3:24pm for Here There Be Dragons

nice =)

marcelhm posted a comment on Saturday 23rd January 2010 6:06am for Here There Be Dragons

now where did you hide half these stories, I thought I was pretty much up to date with your writing :). I must say this one shouldn't be read while at work, I was sniggering so hard my colleague came by to check what was up!

joeBob posted a comment on Friday 22nd January 2010 11:42pm for Here There Be Dragons

This is either cliche or clever good fun. It all depends on whether it was originally written before 2002.

Riegert8 posted a comment on Friday 22nd January 2010 11:00pm for Here There Be Dragons

Very good chapter