Harry Potter and the Distaff Side
Accidental Discoveries
By Clell65619
Patches posted a comment on Friday 19th September 2014 4:03am for Accidental Discoveries
Harry's new teacher is Voldemort? That is a twist. It makes sense though that the room would provide an adiquate teacher. The teaching paid off. Harry killed 3 people to save himself and Luna. I'm glad Auror Bones and Luna told Harry he had done the right thing. He had saved lives even though it meant that he had to kill to stop 3 bad people from killing him and Luna. I'm glad someone is on Harry's side. Thanks for writing. p
Zatada posted a comment on Monday 1st April 2013 4:59am for Accidental Discoveries
I'm kinda disappointed with this. It was going decently along, then suddenly in this chapter, Harry does a complete personality flip. I can understand being upset after the duel with the Death Eaters, but the whole "I killed them. I've gone Dark." is way out there. It seems you basically have his personality succumbing to the gender swap world and becoming a whiny 15 year old girl who freaks out over everything. It just seems way out of character for his personality compared to previous chapters.
Riegert8 posted a comment on Friday 22nd January 2010 2:37pm for Accidental Discoveries
Good Chapter
Carol Layland posted a comment on Friday 22nd January 2010 11:39am for Accidental Discoveries
A lovely chapter that is very well written. I very much enjoyed reading it. Thank you for the pleasure and I hope to read the next chapter soon.
Carol Layland
Wanderer posted a comment on Tuesday 9th August 2016 1:56am for Accidental Discoveries