Content Harry Potter Original Young Justice


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muggledad posted a comment on Thursday 6th October 2011 1:48pm

BFG-9000? The Big Fucking Gun? Ha!!

BTW, I own Army of Darkness on VHS and DVD. Saw it in the theater. Fine example of Cinematic achievement.

tangentsferret posted a comment on Friday 6th May 2011 8:20pm

Drop him on the Severus who is locked up in Azkaban with Harry visiting him periodically to eat pizza at him over in Wizard's Fall, if you're not too scared of the Wrath of BobnAlyx. They would really hate each other, and nobody ever checks on Sevvie when Harry Keeper of the Pretty Seashells isn't around...

Or, maybe the one where Harry accidentally apparated over the Pool of Drowned Magical Alien Super-Veela Princess? Watching Rae smack him around could be fun.

Oooo, ooo, I know, pick one of the Draco-Veela-Mate stories! That would lead to hours of fun as first Little Mr Obnoxious Harry freaks out, and then Big Mean Draco in Armor shows up! Hee! What if the smitten Harry makes a play for the bigger, more muscular, older-man Draco?

What would Little Harry Traveller think of a Severitis, for that matter?

Oh wow. can you imagine another layer added to the ongoing chaos in that one story I forgot the name of (haven't been back to that *other* fanfic site in months at this point, ads just got to be too much for me) no, wait, I lie, it's _Partially Kissed Hero_, with all the time travel and the Faerie Queen and the Dryad Trelawney who's been launched to other planets?

Or... (wanders off waving arms around and muttering vaguely about re-reading "Gaijin" if she can find it on a site without predatory ads)

Anansii posted a comment on Friday 6th May 2011 1:28am

Out of unlimited timelines, there must be unlimited lines where Harry goes dimension hopping, thus there must be at least one where he all turns up on the same line and you have a world consisting solely of Harry Potter clones...

On second though, recycling old Green Lantern plots sounds fine to me. :)

ThunderGod posted a comment on Thursday 5th May 2011 6:24pm

I do wonder where and when he is at the moment...there are so many stories it could fit:}

saktomo posted a comment on Thursday 5th May 2011 6:04pm

Very surreal indeed, as for other fics I'd suggest in FFn "Harry Potter: Raven" for a very different Harry and to confuse and delight Tara. "Thinking in Little Green Boxes" for a Deadpool raised Harry that makes this Harry look sane. Lastly a Harry raised by the Addams Family, I prefer the comedy of "Family Values"

Riegert8 posted a comment on Thursday 5th May 2011 2:30pm

This is a very good chapter

Omagic posted a comment on Thursday 5th May 2011 1:16pm

Absolutely brilliant beginning to a fic! I love it!

Rage and Light posted a comment on Thursday 5th May 2011 11:37am

This is bloody brilleent, I have not laughed at a story like this for a while, I also enjoy a good comedy version of harry potter and this really is good. I am surrpised you have not got some more reviews for it, please keep going. I want to see waht else 14 year old harry can get up to, what other universes he can interact in. I recognised all the ones mentioned so far, you could always send him to bobmins sunset and sunrise universe or maybe the perfect syltherins one. Just suggestions, Please update soon


greenansatsu posted a comment on Thursday 5th May 2011 11:14am

This is a fun read, hope you update more frequently, but I know how it goes at times.

I think it would be perfect to have Harry visit some crossover fics, wonder how this harry would react to naruto, or how Wolverine would react to perv harry. The distaff side would also be amusing or any fic where Harry is a female really.

Clell65619 replied:

- a 'sort of' meeting with Wolverine comes next chapter. Sort of.

thaumologist posted a comment on Thursday 5th May 2011 9:57am

I'd love to see Harry meet up with AK once or twice (I honestly have no idea who wrote that one, but its another dimension-travelling one), and a pop in to the "Crack'd Mirror" would be good fun. Also, that really badly written one (the famous one), where Dudley uses emotes DURING SPEECH.

Nice chapter, thanks for posting.

Zucht posted a comment on Thursday 5th May 2011 9:40am

Another chapter well done. Loved the references to other stories and writers. I've got the urge to reread "The Sword of Griffendor" and some of your other stories.

Entilzah posted a comment on Thursday 5th May 2011 9:38am

Yay! This is such a wonderful bunch of sillyness. The idea of mini-Bones doing the "I'm watching you" to DT Harry had me laughing out loud.

And with a dead and stark castle, I am thinking it sounds somewhat like the beginning setting of _Nightmares of Future's Past_

Though I honestly would LOVE to see DT Harry in _Happily Ever After_

Manatheron posted a comment on Thursday 5th May 2011 9:21am

you've obviously dropped him in a Horror story i vote it's a 'last living mage' and he can't can't get the device to recharge fast enough. They catch him, he steals malfoy's gun and uses it to power his teleporter. he ends up in a universe where it was (supposedly) the vast Ravenclaw collective, and there's two of them now since he 'saved' this world's harry in the process.

Clell65619 replied:

- That's a good idea, but no. For the beginning of chapter 6, I'm ripping off an old Silver age Green Lantern one shot plotline, and then I'm going to get silly.

super12 posted a comment on Saturday 4th September 2010 12:42pm

Ok funny sh*t lol

Ezra'eil posted a comment on Sunday 2nd May 2010 12:14pm

Now wouldn't it be cool if they ran into another version of the Hufflepuff Omni team?. I mean, there's got to be more then one of them. Hell, maybe they're evil!

Entilzah posted a comment on Monday 18th January 2010 3:13pm

I had forgotten how funny this was one. Completely random and an irrerevant romp! Good job!

Riegert8 posted a comment on Sunday 17th January 2010 2:40pm

This is a very good chapter

Riegert8 posted a comment on Sunday 17th January 2010 2:39pm

This is a very good story

Riegert8 posted a comment on Sunday 17th January 2010 2:18pm

Very Good chapter

Riegert8 posted a comment on Sunday 17th January 2010 2:04pm

Very Good chapter
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