Content Harry Potter Original Young Justice


Wildfire 25 posted a comment on Sunday 21st January 2018 11:03pm for Year Four — Autumn Term

Namors mother was one of the rare atlantians that could breathe air. They explained this in the comics from the 1940s. She was sent to the surface as a spy. Buy a copy of the 75th anniversary of marvel collection.

Wanderer posted a comment on Friday 5th January 2018 8:19pm for Year Four — Autumn Term

" "It's not what it looks like," Neville said. "It's so very much weirder than what it looks like."
Right off the bat a snort-laugh from Nev. Oh man, I can see that Lockheed is going to add a whole new dimension :D to the story.
You did a really good job with Orion Black, not too far to any extreme, and yet clearly an "old school" fellow. Leaving the dread of Walburga to our imagination was well done as well :)

mysuv1 posted a comment on Thursday 28th December 2017 12:32am for Year Four — Autumn Term

I have enjoyed this story very much

Hoss posted a comment on Thursday 24th December 2015 9:04pm for Year Four — Autumn Term

Thanks for the great christmas present. But a cliff hanger. Nuts.

Fanboyimus Prime posted a comment on Sunday 6th December 2015 9:38am for Year Four — Autumn Term

You'd think Harry's friends would at least be able to tenatively take what he says as the truth by this point.

Also on the "Power Pack adventures being nothing compared to a dragon"...he is forgetting that Katie or Julie Power helped Wolverine fight the Reavers once right?

They kind of aren't exactly lightweights even next to a dragon.

mwinter posted a comment on Saturday 5th December 2015 4:47pm for Year Four — Autumn Term

Wow, Such a long wait for this chapter and then you leave it be just as Harry walks out the tent flap? Sometimes I really loathe your exact timing for these cliff hangers. Awaiting more.

Wolfric posted a comment on Thursday 3rd December 2015 2:51am for Year Four — Autumn Term

Fine chapter. Thanks for writing. W.

rgshea96789 posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd December 2015 11:12pm for Year Four — Autumn Term

If Harry can talk with Lockheed, "he's not a dragon", will he be able to speak to the real dragon?

witowsmp posted a comment on Monday 30th November 2015 10:29pm for Year Four — Autumn Term

I look forward to Harry facing the dragon.

KSpringer posted a comment on Monday 30th November 2015 7:33pm for Year Four — Autumn Term

I'm so glad you're still doing this story.

I was notified we got the new chapter and I was so excited, I re-read then entire story!

Well done, Clell. Really nice!

Jeremy DuCharme posted a comment on Monday 30th November 2015 12:09am for Year Four — Autumn Term

Jeff, Harry laced his wand wood with Vibranium. Which is a highly potent conductor and storage battery for magic. If a wand is a taser, Harry has an entire Tesla car's batteries stuffed into his.

That was a nasty surprise, and letting him have armor? What version of magitech armor is Harry Stark up to right now?

Riegert8 posted a comment on Sunday 29th November 2015 8:57pm for Year Four — Autumn Term

It something that Sirius father knew that his son was innocent, while people and friends like Dumbledore and Lupin had their doubts.'

Michael10 posted a comment on Sunday 29th November 2015 4:18pm for Year Four — Autumn Term

Glad to see this. keep up the good work you do posted a comment on Sunday 29th November 2015 3:18pm for Year Four — Autumn Term

Outstanding chapter!!!! I can't wait to see what happens next!!! Will Harry and Padma be staying together forever or is just a normal teenage romance??? Are we going to be seeing Harry continuing to use Armor???? Are we going to see more of what Harry did exactly to his wand???