Harry Potter and the Invincible Technomage
Year Three - Summer
By Clell65619
William Martin posted a comment on Wednesday 20th July 2011 12:28am for Year Three - Summer
Thanks for another chapter in this great story.
Keep up the good work. Again, many thanks.
Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Tuesday 19th July 2011 6:00pm for Year Three - Summer
*chuckle* Poor Peter is going to be of much less use to Tom this time around as I doubt the hospital is going to be able to heal him near as well as St. Mungo's might have. Of course, when he comes to and, if he does, give his correct name, I suspect it'll be all over the non-m agical news and Sirius might well hear of it and come ahuntin'. I suspect Harry will have as much fun at Neville's home as Neville had at his and I do wonder what he'll end up doing with that vibranium, especially now that he has a hint of what it might could do.
Paracelsus posted a comment on Tuesday 19th July 2011 4:16pm for Year Three - Summer
I read this first on fanfiction dot net, but somehow, it's easier to read here. Anyway, it was good to see a new chapter of this story. As a longtime comics geek, I like how you've mixed the Marvelverse with the Potterverse. And of course, your bits of mystery -- who exactly is the Pureblood girl who's been told to "trap" Harry, would it be Tracy perhaps? -- add to the plot and keep the story from being a series of Marvel vignettes.
The use of Wankandan vibranium was inspired. And the idea that Harry's first thought was to "quantify" the effect... well, there were echoes of the version of Harry in "HP and the Methods of Rationality", but your Harry has been scientifically minded since your story began (before Less Wrong's began, I suspect), so it fit well. Interesting to see how vibranium responds to magic: it's not exactly a vibration per se, but it does (in this story) have an energy signature, which is exactly what vibranium absorbs and redirects.
Thanks again for sharing.
rejndzer87 posted a comment on Tuesday 19th July 2011 2:37pm for Year Three - Summer
aww i'm so glad to see this new chapter, and it was great, and i loved the slightly insecure and a bit bitchy spiderman, and neville was awesome (he's one of those characters that i think have great potential but are very rarely used), but i really hope it won't take you half a year to write the next one. i really love this story :)
Mistress of Potions posted a comment on Tuesday 19th July 2011 1:38pm for Year Three - Summer
Oh, well done. I like to see the different heroes, and Spiderman's little ego problem nicely compliments the third movie's theme without detracting from the Harry Potter part of this story.
00_Knight posted a comment on Tuesday 19th July 2011 7:17am for Year Three - Summer
Good read as always, glad to see it updated!
Glacialis1 posted a comment on Tuesday 19th July 2011 1:18am for Year Three - Summer
Great story. Really enjoy what you have done with Neville and Harry's explanations of the Tech
jariuth posted a comment on Monday 18th July 2011 8:55pm for Year Three - Summer
Wand or core? Or the plates for his armor so his suit is some sort of magi-amp and he shoots spells instead of energy? Not to mention the power supply issue for his project is resolved... keep up the good work!
webdoc posted a comment on Monday 18th July 2011 6:42pm for Year Three - Summer
Wow.... For some odd reason I had never even thought about reading this story before. I've loved your other HP fics, but for some reason this one never sounded that interesting. Well suffice it to say I was bored today, looking for something new/different to read. I saw this posted on a forum as a recommended read, so I decided what the heck.. Boy am I glad I did, had enough plot turns and humor to kep me hooked. Keep up the great work!!!!
DrT posted a comment on Monday 18th July 2011 3:54pm for Year Three - Summer
Interesting leap in the narrative at the end.
Even with some magic inside him, it should Pettigrew quite a while to recover -- looks like you have some intersting set ups going; can't wait to see them play out
genkitty posted a comment on Monday 18th July 2011 2:31pm for Year Three - Summer
Woohoo! AN UPDATE! A good update!! I adore this story, and look forward to future chapters.
Riegert8 posted a comment on Monday 18th July 2011 1:02pm for Year Three - Summer
Very Good Chapter
Steve Bishop posted a comment on Monday 18th July 2011 11:12am for Year Three - Summer
Where to begin. I don't usually read crossovers because, well most of them suck. And I think the only reason I started to read this one was the line in the description that said "A very different Harry goes to Hogwarts." That got me for some reason. All that being said, this is the best damn story I've read since Bobmin's Sunset Series. Obviously it's not as serious, but it's a 5 star story in it's own right. I look forward to seeing how you plot out the remaining 4 years of Harry magical education at Hogwarts.
Fanboyimus Prime posted a comment on Monday 18th July 2011 11:00am for Year Three - Summer
Well that was interesting. Not sure why that one wizard thought trying to start problems in the same city the Sorcerer Supreme lives was a good idea through.
And I take it in this reality Tony hasn't been forced to use the telepresence armor, and that Onslaught/Heroes Reborn/Heroes Return won't happen.
With "the girl" and that subplot being interesting.
And will a certain hot knife generating British secret agent even be mentioned in this story? For some reason I'd enjoy seeing Pete Wisdom and several others like him dealing with a stranglers from Harry's final battle with Riddle.
Clell65619 replied:
- Pete may be making an appearance if the Brit Government takes notice of the goings on in the magical world. I haven't decided yet.
mwinter posted a comment on Monday 18th July 2011 10:34am for Year Three - Summer
Cool update. Thank you.
Entilzah posted a comment on Monday 18th July 2011 8:56am for Year Three - Summer
Yay! Another fun update. Thanks for sharing this with us!
Ian Quest posted a comment on Wednesday 20th July 2011 4:33am for Year Three - Summer