Harry Potter and the Marriage Contracts
By Clell65619
dennisud posted a comment on Sunday 21st March 2010 11:23am for Recovery
I see you edited out several repugnant scenes, which IMHO works here. Let the reader imagine them as your descriptive storytelling while great in the normal format sure gets quite literal and I was so incensed with Daph's Dad and the Count I would have made Sausage links of them and feed them to the nearest pigs!
I suggest publishing this as a revised edition on FFN just to get the attention and comments from the community at large, sheep that they are!
P.S. Lets try a true Harry/Luna story as even though Hermione's relationship with Dufus-Ron was stomach turing, I hope if she doesn't end up with Harry she gets someone who is deserving!
Bob Officer posted a comment on Sunday 21st March 2010 8:30am for Recovery
And Thus ends the story of Albus the schemer, and Harry and his brother Neville. Ron is show to be a prat and Ginny well she is just a well trained gold digger.
It was a good story and one I will reread when the times are slow.
Thank you.
Jack Sloper posted a comment on Saturday 20th March 2010 11:00pm for Recovery
I just sat down to see if any updates had happened since I was last on, and I read the whole story start to finish. Thank you for such an enjoyable read. Chances are I'll be giggling about parts of the story for the next few days.
Thanks again!
n4zhg posted a comment on Saturday 20th March 2010 10:58pm for Recovery
I'll have to write a proper review. Just as soon as I stop laughing!
dan26 posted a comment on Saturday 20th March 2010 1:07pm for Recovery
What a cute and wavky ending to this story.
00_Knight posted a comment on Saturday 20th March 2010 10:07am for Recovery
Great read! Still kinda mad about Ron not getting a better punishment, but oh well. Kinda sad its at an end, but it was well worth the time!
Can't wait to see what you update next!
-PS My vote is for the Technomage!
Chaos_Mancer posted a comment on Saturday 20th March 2010 9:37am for Recovery
i like it
keep up the good work
live long and prosper
Frederick Herriot posted a comment on Saturday 20th March 2010 7:25am for Recovery
Nice touch-ups in this story. And always a very good story.
Logan_MacLeod posted a comment on Saturday 20th March 2010 5:39am for Recovery
That was great. I enjoy reading your stories. This one grabbed my attention and kept it to the end. I hope you play on updating your other stories as well because they are very good to. Keep it up. I like your Neville. His interaction with Harry gives off a James and Sirius vibe. Alot better then Ron. Good job
Zamia posted a comment on Saturday 20th March 2010 4:21am for Recovery
Once again, thanks for imparting your excellent writing skills on us. Fantastic ending. Nothing could be better than pissing on your tormentor's grave. By the way, Aussie blokes also think English womens' accents are sexy too. Cheers.
Rage and Light posted a comment on Saturday 20th March 2010 3:10am for Recovery
I loved this story when I found it on fanfic.net and I love just as much now, the slight changes make it more enjoyable a read, This is one of tbe best after Voldemort story I have found well done.
joeBob posted a comment on Saturday 20th March 2010 3:10am for Recovery
"Which I suppose is how Hannah feels tonight"
Amusing story; thanks.
Riegert8 posted a comment on Saturday 20th March 2010 2:24am for Recovery
I find it funny that Dumbledore try to threaten Neville but turn out to look like a fool, the best part of this story that Dumbledore never found how Voldemort was defeated.
I like How Harry & Daphne work out their relationship
It sad that Remus died the way he did, Remus died alone and an lot regret over his action. In a way I hope that Remus would get a second chance to earn forgiveness from Harry & Tonks, but sometimes their is no forgiveness is possible.
WillLack posted a comment on Sunday 21st March 2010 3:31pm for Recovery