By Clell65619
DrT posted a comment on Sunday 9th January 2011 8:00pm
I must say, this version of Dumbles has lost contact with reality!
lwj2 posted a comment on Sunday 9th January 2011 6:55pm
Being familiar with the Chronicles of the House of Sinanju -- this is great!
I'm looking forward to reading the rest of it when you put it up.
ThunderGod posted a comment on Sunday 9th January 2011 6:53pm
I hate you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Clell65619 replied:
- Which explains, I suppose, how no matter what the weather forecast, it always seems to rain on my picnics...
Lee Dickie posted a comment on Sunday 9th January 2011 6:31pm
Yes, that is a horrible cliffie!
A great update, with the unusual concept of people having the backbone to disagree with Albus Dumbledore. Well done and thanks.
MarinePotterfan posted a comment on Sunday 9th January 2011 4:27pm
Great chapter
Thanks for writing
Anansii posted a comment on Sunday 9th January 2011 4:07pm
Oh my...
So Master Chuin is getting tired of waiting, and Voldie is pulling out the big guns. And Dumbles' little domain seems to be falling apart on him and serve him right.
Here's hoping there's less of a wait for the next chapter!
bothsidesoftheissue posted a comment on Sunday 9th January 2011 3:50pm
EVIL!!! You are EVIL, I say! That is a HORRID cliffie, how could you do that to us, your most faithful readers?! ^.^ Seriously, this is going to drive me crazy until the new chapter is up. -Huntress
Riegert8 posted a comment on Sunday 9th January 2011 1:51pm
Well written chapter
I find it hard to believe that Ron is not a purist, Action speak louder then what a person say. Ron action which is to call someone a mudblood, say an lot about Ron Personality. In this story Ron is a bully that pick on a person because she get on his nerve
It look like the best thing for the school if Dumbledore get fired
kb0 posted a comment on Sunday 9th January 2011 12:52pm
Yes, it IS a horrible cliffie, but I can deal with it. :)
It's always nice to see an update to this story. I liked the handling of Draco. I also really liked all the prefects resigning, very well done. I have a story that has them doing that too (it's such an obvious thing when the staff goes so crazy).
As Albus becomes more senile, it's good to see Chiun go around him. That will help speed up the story too. :) Of course, the Dementors are a problem, but it'll be interesting to see how you work that out. Perhaps Albus will do something useful for once? ;)
I look forward to your next installment of this -- and to Harry Stark!
gadriam posted a comment on Sunday 9th January 2011 12:41pm
Horrible cliffie, yes .. but great!
The Sun Source brightened my day considerably. Poor Harry, will he ever find someone who can take all the steps?
Looking forward to the unrestricted hunt, although i have a feeling that it might be done mostly by Chiun and possibly Remo, the way things are looking at this time. Good on yez. I will now key a lawyers car in your honor.
Michael10 posted a comment on Sunday 9th January 2011 10:28am
Yes bad cliffie bad! (Joke)
Keep up the good work and give us more of this soon.
liz1611 posted a comment on Tuesday 23rd November 2010 10:38pm
wonderful. loved the fleur-moldie mix. (so that was what the french was about.. :) i like this version of harry. excellent read.
TurtleBlue posted a comment on Saturday 23rd October 2010 8:27pm
Hey! What's with Harry calling Wrong Hole "Draco" again? Did he develope feelings towards Cissa and ultimatly will treat Wrong Hole as a Step-son?
You need to have Hermione taken care of soon...she's about to burst!
I could envision Luna helping Harry accomplish his quest - only to be floored when Luna turns the table on him and adds another number!!!
Will Dora have another go at showing Harry her base form again?
Can Harry & Remo overcome Fleurimorts Allure?
jesterod posted a comment on Tuesday 5th October 2010 1:03am
i love this i cant wait for more
gaharbert1 posted a comment on Wednesday 29th September 2010 3:35pm
like i said just great but now you had to go and leave us with a cliffi
shame on
keep it coming
gaharbert1 posted a comment on Wednesday 29th September 2010 3:33pm
this is great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! keep it comeing... wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
loving it. have not found a thing to complain about.. great work
Pirazy posted a comment on Wednesday 22nd September 2010 8:39pm
This is easily one of the most awesome crossovers I've ever read, question time.
1. Dumbledore is starting to play his annoying games with Harry, quite reckless considering Chiun and, probably Harry, are sitting on information that would completely ruin Dumbledore politically, namely the truth about Grindelwald. Is that going to bite Dumbledore in the ass at some point?
2. Since Fleur is obviously not dead and just momentarily indisposed, will Voldemort's spirit eventually be driven out of her body to possess someone else, leaving the possibility for a happy Delacour family reunion and some Veela gratitude for Harry?
3. Is Hermione's itch ever going to be scratched? The poor girl's going to be driven insane soon.
4. Luna might not have an itch yet but the Ravenclaw's sure could use some of Harry's special brand of dicipline. Who knows, he might even get some practice as a reward.
Keep up the good work.
bannanacupcakes posted a comment on Saturday 18th September 2010 2:15pm
please continue :)
Renzo7 posted a comment on Sunday 12th September 2010 9:08pm
Great work! It's been very interesting to read so far, I hope you update soon.
DaZZa posted a comment on Sunday 9th January 2011 8:32pm