By Clell65619
Christopher Estep posted a comment on Wednesday 14th July 2010 7:44am
ED Becerra has a valid point. In fact, there is anecdotal evidence (at least in terms of what Remo and Chium see as beauty; and they couldn't be more different) - chase down (likely in a used book store, since I don't know if this volume has gone into reprint) Destroyer #68 (this one features Remo daring to date a Korean woman that Chiun has "issues" with); it was originally publlished by Signet.
crocket posted a comment on Friday 19th March 2010 8:10am
very enjoyable hope you update soon
silvergoddess posted a comment on Friday 26th February 2010 7:10am
LMAO! Most Wonderful and excellent choice of houses for Harry to be in. Keep people guessing, and also make them underestimate him.
tangentsferret posted a comment on Friday 29th January 2010 10:50am
(taps author gently on head)
Helloooo? I know you're in there, you're posting other stuff: please please PLEASE consider revisiting this one long enough to see if you can work up enough interest to finish it? You have the Chiun-voice down so well, it would be a true pity to waste such a gift!
P.S. Welcome to the site! Read your stuff over on the Other Place a while back. Nice to see you here, too.
ian mcfarland posted a comment on Tuesday 26th January 2010 2:55pm
i have readed the remo books which i could find, your story in the potter vers is allmost as good, story line is good the action is short and to the point with the funny bits added in at the right time,,
so very good story so far cannot wait for the rest of story
Sterling posted a comment on Friday 22nd January 2010 3:05am
Hello there, Welcome to FFA. I have really liked this story so far. I have never read The Destroyer series, but have seen the movie so I have some inkling about Chiun and Sinanju. The way you have melded the two has been thouroughly entertaining.
My only critical thoughts are that things have been going to easy for Harry. Yes, I realize that a person trained in an art with the capabilities of Sinanju would have huge advantages over someone who didn't, even a wizard. However, I think a story suffers when every conflict is a foregone conclusion. All we get from the action scenes is a further reinforcment of how awesome Harry is and how pathetic his enemies are. There's no real sense of excitement or danger, because from the start you know how it is going to end. I think for this story to grow Harry needs some sort of setback. If you don't want to sully the perfection that is supposed to be Sinanju by allowing him a defeat, I would suggest some personal life problem or crisis of conscience. Something to humanize Harry more then he has been so far.
I hope you take my above point in the positive light in which it is meant. This is a good story, melding two disparate "universes" in a believable and very entertaining manner. I just think it would be even better if the reader could empathize with Harry a bit more.
CJW posted a comment on Thursday 21st January 2010 11:19am
Zamia posted a comment on Wednesday 20th January 2010 7:13am
G'day Mate,
I was impressed with Act of Betrayal but this yarn is a bloody ripper. Liked the Dirty Harry bit and love the mercenary Harry style. One thing please don't send any dangerous creatures to Oz like some authors do, we have enough. Top read. Cheers.
(a retired underground sparkie)
Anansii posted a comment on Wednesday 20th January 2010 1:54am
Ok, I'm caught up. And lo it is quite as amusing as I expected - though my favorite bit is still in part 1 where Voldemort triumphantly Returns! and is cut off in the middle of his soliloquy by Prof. Flitwick. Always did like him. :) Looking forward to the next chapter.
jgkitarel posted a comment on Tuesday 19th January 2010 9:21am
Not bad, not bad at all. Only one little bother, and the error probable comes from she source material anyway.
It has to do the the transliteration of the Korean, but I'm a purist in that respect, preferring the McCune-Reishauer method of transliteration, which while not the main standard, reflects Korean pronunciation better when transliterated into English.
(Damn, and I haven't even used the language in two years, amazing what you retain)
Anansii posted a comment on Tuesday 19th January 2010 1:57am
Well now - a new writer at my favorite fanwriter site, and a crossover between HP and the Destroyer series... This IS going to be fun. Something tells me Voldie is going to be so seriously outclassed that you'll have to find something else for the climax of the tale but what the hey. More when I've finished reading it.
takon65 posted a comment on Monday 18th January 2010 12:07am
awesome story. I'm looking forward till the next chapter!
Riegert8 posted a comment on Sunday 17th January 2010 3:04pm
This is a good story, I could understand the reason that Harry has a crush on Millie but I think that Harry has bad taste. Now in an couple books that show a woman in Korea in a peasant village say the women are hard worker and that they are not skinny but they are not fat, Millicent Bulstrode is a tall and heavy set woman that people think that look like a hag. I think that Harry could do better then Millicent, a person size don't say a person is hard worker or not.
Clell65619 replied:
- I have to disagree. Canon notes that Millie is a big girl, and that Harry considered her to resemble a 'hag' in Order of the Pheonix, but as I said in my authors notes, beauty is cultural.
- I see Millie as being a big girl healthy farm girl. Not a troll, no gaping oozing sores. She gets painted as a nasty because JKR needed someone to fight with Hermione physically and that wasn't Pansy's forte.
- Harry hasn't fallen in love with her, he is crushing on her, as she is what he percieves as physical beauty. I'm even building up to a joke concerning this, which will culminate in chapter 8 or 9 when Chiun comes to visit.
Bob Officer posted a comment on Sunday 17th January 2010 1:41pm
I always like the Remo Williams book but disliked the movie. Of all the different concepts of Potter being trained elsewhere this looks most interesting.
I think this will be a very fun read. Please do continue onward. Harry <taught just a little bit of the more fin things in life by Remo> + Tonks could be a very fun Crossover.
GremlinXTJ posted a comment on Sunday 17th January 2010 11:39am
Well this was a great chapter but ... err ... didnt you post it before?
I could swear I read it before (except there was also a translation for the french bits).
Clell65619 replied:
Yes, it's on ficwad and I'm transferring my stories here as I can.
Ian Quest posted a comment on Sunday 17th January 2010 6:49am
Utterly brilliant! Nearly died laughing several times reading this, and I'm waiting eagerly for more!
dan26 posted a comment on Sunday 17th January 2010 2:46am
In this case for Hermione sex finds her even if not seeking herself
Riegert8 posted a comment on Sunday 17th January 2010 2:40am
This is a very good chapter
Riegert8 posted a comment on Sunday 17th January 2010 2:33am
This is a very good chapter
mithrilandtj posted a comment on Sunday 18th July 2010 10:36pm
Clell65619 replied: