Content Harry Potter Original Young Justice


freetraderbeowolf posted a comment on Friday 10th June 2016 12:11pm for Trademark Dispute

This has to have been one of the funniest crack fics I have read in a long time. I really loved Lex Luthor's little bit at the end. I kept seeing and hearing Kevin Spacey as I read Lex's lines. Good stuff, good stuff.

Alcatras posted a comment on Thursday 9th January 2014 6:32am for Trademark Dispute

This is one of the most awsome and funny non-serious stories i have read in years. And for the record, i like the first ending better.

Congrats. and THX for the good work.

Hoss posted a comment on Sunday 10th February 2013 12:31pm for Trademark Dispute

I love you man,in a Bud light sort of way. Blazing Saddles and Bugs Bunny in a Harry Potter fic. Can't get much better then that. Thanks Hoss

dark5213 posted a comment on Thursday 1st December 2011 1:08pm for Trademark Dispute

blonde woman dressed in a rabbitesque costume? I knew all the other heros and villians that made a cameo but i cant figure this one out. Also god i could stop lauhing when i watched this

Clell65619 replied:

- Dumb Bunny from the fabulous Inferior Five. The rest of her team were there as well, Awkward Man, Blimp, White Feather and Jester.

The Resident posted a comment on Thursday 5th May 2011 12:04pm for Trademark Dispute

It's as funny as ever. It was fun re-reading it.

Abraxan posted a comment on Tuesday 12th October 2010 2:14pm for Trademark Dispute

That was awesome!


NuitTombee posted a comment on Monday 27th September 2010 7:26pm for Trademark Dispute

I'd never actually got around to reading this one before. I enjoyed it very much, thanks for writing.

KirijamaScion posted a comment on Sunday 9th May 2010 6:21pm for Trademark Dispute

Dear god that was hilarious

dan26 posted a comment on Thursday 15th April 2010 7:43pm for Trademark Dispute

On the pads Hermione, Padma, Hannah, and Daphne were in various states of undress coated with a thin sheen of perspiration and flexing at him. Susan, Parvarti, Lavender and many other girls were warming up. With a flick of her wand Susan caused his clothing to vanish, as Hermione hit him in the chest with a flying drop kick, Padma put him in a scissors hold around his head and Daphne was pinning him with an assist from Hannah.

Attractive and smart females with different hair colors comes to mind

dan26 posted a comment on Friday 26th February 2010 11:20pm for Trademark Dispute

The last sentence proves that there are things worse then death

Entilzah posted a comment on Friday 22nd January 2010 11:25am for Trademark Dispute


I have always thought this was your masterpiece. Every word was sheer demented, enjoyable genius.

And I have started using "Best...EVER!" in my everyday verbage. Can you think of a higher compliment? :-)

marcelhm posted a comment on Friday 22nd January 2010 4:11am for Trademark Dispute

Well I already knew your story ofc but when I read it first at rorsch's group it wasn't any less funny :). overall this is just a congrats on as you called it being invited to the big boys table :). another of my favourite authors in 1 and the same place. GL and don't be to harsh on yourself about your older stories most are probably not as bad as you consider them to be.

Aberbadger posted a comment on Friday 22nd January 2010 4:04am for Trademark Dispute

I think the phrase is "going from the sublime to the rediculous"! Nonetheless that was beautiful...

Riegert8 posted a comment on Friday 22nd January 2010 12:17am for Trademark Dispute

Very good chapter

dan26 posted a comment on Friday 22nd January 2010 12:15am for Trademark Dispute

Both endings are good but the oringinal was the best and the story was strangly cute to read about