Harry Potter and the YASMWTS
Rule One
By Clell65619
bookaholic_au posted a comment on Saturday 13th February 2010 12:52am for Rule One
Interesting story, I like where you're headed with it. I have one question though: what does YASMWTS stand for?
Clell65619 replied:
Yet Another Someone's Messing With Time Story.
JR Marcellus posted a comment on Friday 12th February 2010 9:45am for Rule One
Looking good, keep it up!
Crys posted a comment on Thursday 11th February 2010 2:05pm for Rule One
The interactions between Padma and Harry have got to be weird beyond all description.
Thank you for making reasonable attempts to use different names. No more Woods, Bells, or Creeveys. True, you had Nott (or should that be Knott?), Davis, and Umbridge, but aside from even the possibility of an Umbridge breeding, those made sense.
Millicent's ID was obvious after her speech in the common room, but I'd predicted she was one of the 4 Slytherin girls (Tracey, Daphne, Millicent, Pansy) before that point. Glad you used Millicent, as she's typically under-used.
She also deduced their parentage (incorrectly), so you're clearly keeping that background thread going. Reasonable assumption. Curious on why you're keeping the thread going, but am more than willing to watch it play out.
Enjoying the story thus far. Looking forward to more.
Clell65619 replied:
- Weird can be fun...
- Not all the Umbridges are like Delores... After all, she's the pretty one...
- Yeah, I was real subtle with Millie wasn't I?
- The 'Sons of Potter' thing keeps going because none of the people making the obvious leaps to a conclusion are speaking to the others making the same leap. A few more people may make the same assumption (and lets face it, it's a really logical assumption to make... The kid looks JUST LIKE Harry Potter after all) but it will be mentioned less often as the story unfolds.
- The next chapter, the boy's fifth year.
Dale Dietzman posted a comment on Thursday 11th February 2010 12:16pm for Rule One
Upon completing her Mastery in Astronomy in only seven years...
Somehow I don't think this computes quite right.
Harry and Tom Reset to age six, five years back, since they are now 11 year old "firsties". How long was Millie out there apprenticed before the final battle happened??? and then she had to get accepted as a teacher at Hogwarts to be teaching this year???
Clell65619 replied:
Yes, it's five years since the boys got deaged, but Harry was almost 21 at that fight, so the Gang had been out of Hogwarts for three years already.
- Millie took her apprenticeship for a lot of reasons, though getting the hell out of dodge was probably one of them.
rune1806 posted a comment on Thursday 11th February 2010 10:24am for Rule One
Great idea for a story, I am enjoying it a great deal. I look forward to your next update.
Kathleen posted a comment on Thursday 11th February 2010 10:05am for Rule One
Wow! Well, I'm intrigued. Very much so. Love to read more...
Kokopelli posted a comment on Wednesday 10th February 2010 1:17pm for Rule One
It's been done before, BJH's story being the best example, but I love what you're doing with the premise.
Keep writing and I'll keep reading.
haylared posted a comment on Wednesday 10th February 2010 8:51am for Rule One
This week I've read one awesome story after another from you. This is my favorite, so far. Thank-you for sharing your talent, I eagerly anticipate updates.
Entilzah posted a comment on Wednesday 10th February 2010 8:08am for Rule One
My first thought when I read this was doubt. But as this story evolves, I find myself being drawn in.
And if you do what I think you are leading to, it could be quite interesting.
Wolf550e posted a comment on Wednesday 10th February 2010 5:46am for Rule One
Needs proofreading.
Suppose Padma and Luna can get their bodies to be same age as Harry. But they won't really be teenagers. Isn't that still pedophilia?
If it's going to be Tom/Luna, and the minister of magic's wife has influence on her husband, I see some crazy government actions in twenty years...
Clell65619 replied:
- pedophilia is a function of legal ages of consent. If a deaged to 16 Harry with memories suited to his age was to rub tinglies with a deaged to 16 Lavender with the memories of having lived for 30 odd years (as a fer instance, this isn't going to happen in story) as long as they are both legally considered of age, who is hurt?
- This is NOT going to be Tom/Luna I think Luna's preferences have been made fairly clear in this piece...
Swati21 posted a comment on Wednesday 10th February 2010 5:16am for Rule One
Hey, I'm Indian and it would be great it the Patils were to visit Gujarat (that's where most of them are originally from )
Anthony May posted a comment on Wednesday 10th February 2010 12:38am for Rule One
Well Done!!!! I love this story. I don't believe I've come across a Harry, Tom brothers and friends fan fic this is as enthraling as it is brilliant. Thank You! I can't wait for the next update!!
Ebbie posted a comment on Tuesday 9th February 2010 9:59pm for Rule One
I am enjoying reading this story a lot. I have read many stories and am glad to see one that is somewhat different and interesting. I can't wait to read the next chapter!
DanniKay posted a comment on Tuesday 9th February 2010 8:26pm for Rule One
Wow.. You know, at first I thought that this story would be a complete bust from what I'd read from the summary.. But truth be told, I really do like this so far :)
Awesome job, I hope you continue to be amazing in your chapters :)
Sterling posted a comment on Saturday 13th February 2010 1:35am for Rule One