Little Guy
By Clell65619
JudyRaie posted a comment on Tuesday 16th June 2015 3:49pm for 2
This story is so funny that it hurts. I can just see Little Guy swinging thru Hogwarts and slamimg into walls. Keep up the good work. I look forward to reading more of your work. :)
potterfrkintx posted a comment on Tuesday 26th May 2015 11:29pm for 2
george, george, george of the jungle, fast as he can be. AAAAIIIIEEEEAAAIIIEEEEE WATCH OUT FOR THAT TREEE!!
Glacialis1 posted a comment on Tuesday 28th April 2015 11:25pm for 2
Fantastic concept and as far as I know completely unique. love what you have done with HP universe making Harry drive Snape crazy in a new way.
Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Monday 27th April 2015 8:28pm for 2
*Snort* That is hilarious and so true to the original material. I quite loved Severus Snape's breakdown, it's quite appropo given the situation. I rather expect a lot of the Hogwarts staff will have their minds expanded by continual dealings with Little Guy and his unusual approach/take on things. *chuckle* It's one thing to ignore the unusual, it's another to ignore it when it's successful right in front of you.
gadriam posted a comment on Saturday 25th April 2015 4:33am for 2
Oh hell yeah!
Well, that's pretty much it.
For as long as I've followed your work, you've put out zero bad or average fics and this one was absolutely up to snuff. I still can't see where you'll take it and i love that. His Potions skill, his reaction in Transfiguration, the Loincloth of Holding, Spot, the wonderful hilarities are too many to mention on a big screen.
I'm a Master of Silliness myself, but i doff my hat to you, and admit your superiority.
Awaiting your next installment at the edge of my seat,
Berkeleyjon posted a comment on Thursday 23rd April 2015 9:12pm for 2
OK, So, I rarely write reviews or comments, but I have spent the better part of five minutes on the floor, having quite literally slid out of my chair laughing. "Needs more cowbell." Thank you, I severely needed that tonight. We won't even begin to discuss Spot's hind-leg thumping... Can't wait for Minerva to see this! Thank you Clell. Its been a sucky week, and you just changed that.
mwinter posted a comment on Thursday 23rd April 2015 8:00pm for 2
Awaiting more.
ian mcfarland posted a comment on Thursday 23rd April 2015 5:05pm for 2
funny story
Jason Karr posted a comment on Thursday 23rd April 2015 2:02pm for 2
this is a good story looking forward to next chapter
Tzu Con posted a comment on Thursday 23rd April 2015 1:40am for 2
"Needs more Cowbell"
I'm not sure, but I THINK I just pissed myself laughing. Good grief this is hillarious! I haven't even thoughts about George in the Jungle in a very long time. I can still hear the mother screaming "URSULA" in my ears.
Great job mate, eagerly awaiting more,
slickrcbd posted a comment on Wednesday 22nd April 2015 5:15pm for 2
This is hilarious. I don't know where to begin.
I love the scene with Snape being driven up the wall with Harry's perfect potions.
Then the scene with Harry not knowing the difference between boys and girls was pure gold. I wonder how long before somebody has to give Harry "The Talk" because of that.
Just about all the scenes are funny.
Patches posted a comment on Wednesday 1st July 2015 1:50am for 2