Content Harry Potter Original Young Justice


Jeffrey Meehan posted a comment on Thursday 18th February 2010 11:04pm

I have read this on ficwad and you really need to continue it this is a great start and i want to find out if hermione died or something in this story i certainly hope she lives happily ever after with Harry though

ian mcfarland posted a comment on Thursday 18th February 2010 7:26pm

very good story line have not seen it this way before (8/10)
good luck on next chapter

Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Thursday 18th February 2010 6:04pm

I like the way this starts. I hope it ends happily for Philip, and therefore Hermione. This has to be the best narrative from him I've read. Although, I like my Mr. Granger better, but then, I might be a bit biased.

Well done. Cheers!

Clell65619 replied:

- Well, Philip isn't going to be the manly ex-special forces guy from The Granger Defense, that's a given. He's going to be the guy from canon (more or less)

Dale Dietzman posted a comment on Thursday 18th February 2010 1:14pm

I admit I like most of your stuff, though even you have an "off day" or whatever now and then. I know you don't take polls on your next update, but if you did I would vote for "Sun Source", "Technomage", "Omniverse", "Messing With Time', and yes, "Distaff".
These five WIPs are all wonderful stories and so diverse and original. I know you write to suit yourself, but I would enjoy seeing you "suit yourself" on any of these, or "Incredible', which you have yet to relocate here.

Clell65619 replied:

- It's not so much 'to suit myself' as what my rather diseased imagination allows me to write. I've been staring at the next chapter of Distaff since the first of the year and have managed to write perhaps one hundred words, most of which I've also deleted for being far to pretentious for the piece. I use the smaller stories to shake the words loose... sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

- Incredible will be here, as soon as I finish it. Another 2k words or so will complete that story (which was intended to be a oneshot...) God only knows when those 2 thousand words will come.

Kathleen posted a comment on Thursday 18th February 2010 12:34pm

That's great!
Really enjoying this.
Esp. his voice -- "Damn him."

MrRobertsIII posted a comment on Thursday 18th February 2010 11:38am

Excellent fic. Loved the not only the logical hatred for the Wizarding world in general but the illogical disgust with Harry. I can jut imagine his face while he is saying all this.

How about an update to Distaff?

Clell65619 replied:

- A father's hatred of those cruel to his daughter is something to be feared... Almost as much as his dislike of the young man who might subplant him...

- I'm working on Distaff... Don't mistake the rash of shorts appearing here, those are older works I've only cleaned up a bit to post here, not new work.

mwinter posted a comment on Thursday 18th February 2010 11:01am

Have you posted this before somewhere else. Cause this seems quite familiar. You always seem to have good stories. Glad your able to post here. Keep posting. I hope that some of these you will finish even though its been a while for some.

Celevon posted a comment on Thursday 18th February 2010 10:55am

Excellent! I hope you update this soon.

rinnbaku posted a comment on Thursday 18th February 2010 10:06am

I always like stories written in this format, but whenever I try to do it, I have a very hard time keeping myself from going into too much detail...

Rinn ^_^

sfjoellen posted a comment on Thursday 18th February 2010 9:12am

I still await for a reasonable explanation for that. try:
I still wait for a reasonable explanation of that. or:
I still await a reasonable explanation of that.

great chapter, thanks, interesting perspective

Jarrod posted a comment on Thursday 18th February 2010 8:28am

very cool. I like the first person narrative as an interesting way to work through the story especially from an outsider's point of view. I am very curious to see the rest of this and how he takes from 5th year on.

Slytherin66 posted a comment on Thursday 18th February 2010 5:18am

Very good chapter that makes so much sense a very nice idea.

Wolfric posted a comment on Thursday 18th February 2010 12:38am

Good story. I look forward to future installments. Thanks for writing. W.

gadriam posted a comment on Wednesday 17th February 2010 11:57pm

This story is just excellent. You make this OC come alive, you give him flesh, bones and heart. You give me a bad taste in the mouth. Just a perfect example of the Author's Craft!


You do belong among the best of the best.

Riegert8 posted a comment on Wednesday 17th February 2010 11:41pm

This is a very good chapter

David Thacker posted a comment on Wednesday 17th February 2010 11:15pm

This is all I seem to recall reading for this before. Is there more to this great story?

Hagrid posted a comment on Wednesday 17th February 2010 10:57pm

I'm afraid that this muggle hit the nail on the head with this one. Who but a muggle would question trolls, stone's and dark wizards in a school? A bit of family pride and this muggle gets all pushy about the Malfoy's. Why, according to Fudge, Lucius makes many large donations to worthwhile charities, most likely Fudge's re-election fund. Wait one gobstone squirtin' minute, that there Muggle got it right. We are a bunch of odd'ens at that.