Content Harry Potter Original Young Justice


AlaskanKing posted a comment on Sunday 7th June 2015 5:16pm for The Band

I have read this many times and every single time I still have tears in my eyes from laughing so hard at the end of the "concert". I love the image of Snape collapsed on the floor laughing and then laughing more when he hears the name of the Charm. It cracks me up every time.

normalguycap posted a comment on Tuesday 23rd November 2010 12:14pm for The Band

I enjoyed this, some fourth wall breaking and good humor. Although, I didn't like: "Dean counted us in with a four count, clacking his drumsticks with each count" You used count 3 times. That's a terrible line. If you spent five minutes trying to think of other words you could have avoided that. Anyway, I still laughed though. Ron's so stupid XD

Darkwoofe posted a comment on Thursday 25th February 2010 8:32am for The Band

LMAO! This has to be the funniest thing I've read this year! Nicely done.

Darkness posted a comment on Monday 18th January 2010 2:34am for The Band

Lol, this was too funny for words. Especially liked Draco as the sexy frontman that everyone's crazy about. You should put up the rest of your stories, most them are pretty good, when not dealing with Colin that is! :)

Luan Mao posted a comment on Sunday 17th January 2010 2:33pm for The Band

I first read this on ffn. Just reread it, and laughed so hard at the end that I about wet myself. Thanks!

Riegert8 posted a comment on Sunday 17th January 2010 1:58pm for The Band

Well written story