The Meeting
A matter of balance
By Clell65619
maureren posted a comment on Thursday 22nd September 2011 8:11pm for A matter of balance
I really liked this story. I have never read a story with this premise before and I found it very believable. I thought it was a great job of balancing who Harry and Draco were as children with who they became as men. I also liked how they were keeping their friendship/partnership secret.
Ezra'eil posted a comment on Thursday 22nd September 2011 6:49pm for A matter of balance
I rather like your take here. Is there going to be sort of continuation on this? Snapshots kind pulp fiction style, story, or otherwise?
Mark Blaine posted a comment on Thursday 22nd September 2011 6:11pm for A matter of balance
I liked it. A mature Harry, able to forgive.
DobbyElfLord posted a comment on Thursday 22nd September 2011 5:56pm for A matter of balance
That was one of the best post-epilouge tales I've ever read. I loved the point you made at the end. The pompus jerk from school might end up a great friend.
I can almost picture the scene at 'Sam' and Lily's wedding with Harry and Draco playing up their feud - only to bring their kids into the joke just before sending them off on their honeymoon.
Rick - DEL
Infin1x posted a comment on Thursday 22nd September 2011 8:35pm for A matter of balance