Harry Potter and the Invincible Technomage
Year Two - Winter Term
By Clell65619
kb0 posted a comment on Saturday 5th June 2010 5:41am for Year Two - Winter Term
Not much action with Harry, but still a fun chapter. Loved Sirius's card. :) Sirius as a costumed hero was also fun.
I was really hoping that the release of the recent Iron Man 2 movie would inspire a new chapter in this story. Whether it did or not, thanks for posting this!
morriganscrow posted a comment on Saturday 5th June 2010 12:53am for Year Two - Winter Term
That was a really fun read! I particularly enjoyed the scene with Sirius and Tony at the fund raiser, especially The Wizard/Magician. Keep up the great job, and thanks for all your hard work on this excellent story.
Quincy posted a comment on Saturday 5th June 2010 12:45am for Year Two - Winter Term
Thanks! I look forward to updates of each of your series, this one most of all.
MarinePotterfan posted a comment on Friday 4th June 2010 10:14pm for Year Two - Winter Term
Great story
Thanks for writing
joeBob posted a comment on Friday 4th June 2010 9:15pm for Year Two - Winter Term
Entertaining. Thanks for the update.
Snag posted a comment on Friday 4th June 2010 7:57pm for Year Two - Winter Term
Oh, Sirius. Don't go and join the spandex crowd. The union dues are murder.
Voldemort the squirrel? I fear to ask how that happened, yet I cannot turn away!
In conclusion: Fun stuff!
Clell65619 replied:
- I don't know if Sirius will be doing much more Daring Do, it just seemed like fun for now...
- Tom had to anchor himself to something... As weakened as he was by Agatha's little hex a small mammal is all he could handle. He's feeling better now and trading up to a doggy.
JaCee2u posted a comment on Friday 4th June 2010 7:50pm for Year Two - Winter Term
I love this story, but I have one minor thing to whine about. In binary, 1 AND 1 is 1. 1 OR 1 is 1. 1 PLUS 1 is 10. And from back 25 years ago when I was dealing with Assembler, 1 XOR 1 is 0.
Thank God and prescription drugs I've forgotten most of that time of my life.(grin)
Thanks for this installment, and I'm looking forward to the next.
Clell65619 replied:
- Harry's just covering math right now, so and=plus. It's not until he gets to logic he needs to watch his terms.
DrT posted a comment on Friday 4th June 2010 6:14pm for Year Two - Winter Term
Well, I hope Padma knows what she's doing, 'cause I sure don't! And I can see why Sirius wouldn't stand out in the Marvel version of New York! You'd think crooks would know to stick to places like Scranton and Binghamton!
Clell65619 replied:
- I know that if *I* was looking to do some crime in the Marvel universe it would be as far from the spandex types as humanly possible.
- But then if they were all that smart, they wouldn't be hired muscle...
Waywren Truesong posted a comment on Friday 4th June 2010 6:02pm for Year Two - Winter Term
I jumped for joy to see the update note in my inbox, and I actually literally cackled myself out of the chair when Sirius took up costumed crimefighting. Particularly 'is there a Magician?'. SO FULL OF WIN.
I'm also loving Tony and Sirius getting to like each other. This will make things much easier for all three of them.
Clell65619 replied:
- You can't expect the guy to be up on his hero and villian names... I was going to have him go through a whole list until he hit on an unused name, but that seemed to be milking it.
Wolfric posted a comment on Friday 4th June 2010 4:50pm for Year Two - Winter Term
Fine chapter. I don't seem to remember why Voldemort is a squirel, if that's been covered in the story. Thanks for writing. W.
Clell65619 replied:
- No real reason for him to be a squirrel, it just seemed funny and I needed to get him moving toward a return to power.
Riegert8 posted a comment on Friday 4th June 2010 4:18pm for Year Two - Winter Term
Very good chapter
Lee Dickie posted a comment on Friday 4th June 2010 4:15pm for Year Two - Winter Term
Great update with some well written 'geek'.
00_Knight posted a comment on Saturday 5th June 2010 1:10pm for Year Two - Winter Term