Content Harry Potter Original Young Justice


Fic Chick posted a comment on Sunday 4th March 2012 10:03pm for Sandy Crack Shack

I liked this.

ProfessorBinns posted a comment on Tuesday 30th August 2011 11:32pm for Sandy Crack Shack

Made me smile. Also, your older, wiser Harry here makes plenty of sense, as does your somewhat clueless Hermione. Thanks!

Tenchifew posted a comment on Monday 8th August 2011 4:43am for Sandy Crack Shack

Very nice story!
Thank you for writing.

brad posted a comment on Sunday 7th August 2011 4:56pm for Sandy Crack Shack

Yay!! At last!! At last a complete, one hundred per cent, unmitigated and unadulturated H/Hr story by Clell! Woo-hoo!! I was starting to forget why I had you pegged as a H/Hr author first and foremost. Although we've got your Hulk story and the Wendy one in the works at least, too.

Very nice. Although Hermione was a bit dim there, not working out the identity of the girl on whom Harry crushed. But that's perfectly correct/fine, of course. She was so concerned trying to think of the best girl for Harry she just never thought of herself. I know this is a quick humorous one-shot but still, that sort of unassuming and unselfish behaviour makes us all the happier about the resolution. And it would seem that Hermione is quickly adjusting to this new information.

Always nice to read a story that ends with a (clothing optional?) Granger-class hug.

Zaxxon posted a comment on Sunday 7th August 2011 11:17am for Sandy Crack Shack

Cute little story. Makes a good one-shot.

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Saturday 6th August 2011 4:07pm for Sandy Crack Shack

Well, I suppose the title and elements of the story definitely qualify this as a "crack fic" but it's quite the enjoyable read. I can quite appreciate Harry's position here and I suspect Hermione will once she's pondered it. In the meantime, you do have to wonder if she's perhaps carried more feelings for him than she's cared to admit. It's an enjoyable read and, if your muse is so moved, I'd love to see further chapters or sequels.

Jeffrey Meehan posted a comment on Friday 5th August 2011 9:39pm for Sandy Crack Shack

Like. To put it plainly.

Quincy posted a comment on Friday 5th August 2011 4:15pm for Sandy Crack Shack

"bow tie, cuffs and bar apron" AKA articles of clothing.
Which he will be removing in exchange an item of value (lunch). Therefore he is stripping, even if he is already almost naked.

DrT posted a comment on Friday 5th August 2011 2:29pm for Sandy Crack Shack

But it was fun making Hermione a nudist! (granted, it's been quite a while since I've done so). This was a fun little story; thanks for posting it

Patches posted a comment on Friday 5th August 2011 1:24pm for Sandy Crack Shack

This is a different story. I like it. A grown up Harry who has made up his mind about what he wants in life. Now Hermione has found what she was looking for. I really like the name of the shack. Very well done. Thanks for writing. pms

Katsuhito posted a comment on Friday 5th August 2011 1:07pm for Sandy Crack Shack

A nice little ficlette with some great interaction. Loved the banter at the end - just the right blend of humor (or is that humour?) and flirtatiousness.

Riegert8 posted a comment on Friday 5th August 2011 1:05pm for Sandy Crack Shack

Well written story

Crys posted a comment on Friday 5th August 2011 12:21pm for Sandy Crack Shack

*laugh* Fun little piece of fluff.

"Sandy Crack Shack"? That is truly awful. Please tell me you saw such a place on a beach somewhere rather than coming up with that on your own.

Clell65619 replied:

- The genesis of this one came from a Bob and Tom comedy album that had a song about the glories of a bar on a nude beach named, yes, The Sandy Crack Shack.

- It has absolutely nothing to do with Harry, but I just had to use the name at some point.

Addlcove posted a comment on Friday 5th August 2011 12:12pm for Sandy Crack Shack

awesome one shot :)

jalva200 posted a comment on Friday 5th August 2011 10:30am for Sandy Crack Shack

Awesome story, love to see more of it.

frankocsic posted a comment on Friday 5th August 2011 9:03am for Sandy Crack Shack

Like very much! Lol. Short and sweet.

InuukaHanroa posted a comment on Friday 5th August 2011 5:04am for Sandy Crack Shack

very good. loved it.

gadriam posted a comment on Friday 5th August 2011 3:05am for Sandy Crack Shack

Very cute and suitably independent. Being Swedish, i of course love that he ended up in S:t Bart, it being the only functioning colony we ever had and such. I think Hermiones turnaround was a bit abrupt but a nude beach and a drink can have that effect on those not used to it.:) I really like the points about the Ginny affair. I'm not particular when it comes to fanfic shipping ,but the notion that a three-week affair at that age signifies something lifelong is daft. Hell, i don't even remember most of the girls's names anymore even though i was madly in lust at the time. Your reasons and storyline is as always brilliant and i do love these little pictures you give us.
May Robert Lind in Kramfors bless your keyboard.


00_Knight posted a comment on Friday 5th August 2011 2:54am for Sandy Crack Shack

Is this going to be more than a oneshot? If so GREAT, if not then it was still a pretty good one! Can't wait for more.

Anansii posted a comment on Friday 5th August 2011 12:42am for Sandy Crack Shack

Grin. Good one.