Content Harry Potter Original Young Justice

Philip Granger and the Rage of a Father was updated on 17th Feb 10

Status: Abandoned - Rating: Teens - Chapters: 1 - Word count: 3,531 - Genre: Family

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Editors Notes:

As fitting this first anniversary of the final fall of Voldemort, the Quibbler takes great pride in presenting a series of articles by those who were there.   So many were lost in the battle the prefaced the final confrontation between Voldemort and Harry Potter, it seems fitting to give those who did survive the chance to tell their stories while it is still fresh in their minds.   Only one person remains who knows what actually happened at that final confrontation, until that person tells his story we can learn how others view those pivotal years and situations.   With this issue the Quibbler goes to a weekly publication schedule, for the next year survivors of the rise, fall, return and final fall of Voldemort will tell their stories, starting with the father of one of our heroes, Mr. Philip Granger.  

1 - Philip Granger and the Rage of a Father :: First Year
Word count: 3,531 - Reviews: 37 - Rating: Teens - Uploaded on: 17th Feb 10