Content Harry Potter Original Young Justice


Wolfric posted a comment on Tuesday 14th December 2010 5:08am for The Road Trip

Good story. Thanks for writing. W.

Delta-Theta posted a comment on Tuesday 14th December 2010 1:43am for The Road Trip

HANNERS!! I love that comic..

but with that aside.. great fic and i think a decent view of personalities, very well done


normalguycap posted a comment on Tuesday 14th December 2010 1:08am for The Road Trip

A very pleasant read with unexpected twists. Your author notes really caught my attention. A year and a half! Did you work on it a bit then put it down for a few months when a new idea struck you? Harry didn't seem as nearly damaged because he was occupied so much during the trip though. Anyway, I did like it.

Clell65619 replied:

- As with most of my stories, it began with an image in my head, specifically a naked Harry laying in bed with a crying naked Hermione. I don't know what brought that to mind, but there it was, then Bob Segar's "Roll Me Away" come on the radio and the lines 'We never even said a word,
we just walked out and got on that bike And we rolled And we rolled clean out of sight"

- Combining the scene of H & H in bed and the idea of the road trip together to escape was the genesis of the story.

- I would pull it out and tinker with it here and there when I needed to cleanse the palette and about three weeks ago it just started taking over.

- I'm just glad people seem to like it.

Jizzle posted a comment on Tuesday 14th December 2010 12:37am for The Road Trip

Luna's OCD comes off rather odd, since there's no real basis for it in canon. Was it a way of showing how the war damaged her?

Riegert8 posted a comment on Tuesday 14th December 2010 12:15am for The Road Trip

This is a very good story, I admit at the start of the story it seem to me that it be Harry and Hermione paired story. But after she left I realize that I was wrong, But it nice that Harry help lavender and Luna out.

I hope that Harry could help Hermione to live a normal live, and find someone that she could love as much as she did Ron

morriganscrow posted a comment on Monday 13th December 2010 9:32pm for The Road Trip

That was an excellent story, with honest, believeable emotion, and the inevitable aftermath of war - the human cost. Great job!

M2J MandalorianJedi posted a comment on Monday 13th December 2010 9:19pm for The Road Trip

Interesting, if nothing else. Definitely top notch quality, but then again, your stuff is consitantly good, if not great.

Will be on the look out for more of your stuff.

Lee Dickie posted a comment on Monday 13th December 2010 6:02pm for The Road Trip

A great story, with a well written sense of the high and lows in the aftermath of war.

jilumasam posted a comment on Monday 13th December 2010 3:00pm for The Road Trip

Thanks for writing this was a good read!

Clell65619 replied:

- Thank you, glad you liked it.