Harry Potter and the Elder Sect
By Clell65619
Harry Potter and the Elder Sect was updated on 10th Oct 13
Status: Completed - Rating: Teens - Chapters: 6 - Word count: 73,519 - Genre: Adventure, Humor
Also available as: Epub | mobi | lit | pdf | txt
When Hagrid arrives at the Potter cottage in Godric's Hollow, he finds no sign of Harry Potter. It takes five long years for Harry to be found, in the care of a distant cousin, having been dropped off by his Great Grand Mother.
1 - Harry Potter and the Elder Sect :: The Beginning
Word count: 10,052 -
Reviews: 77 -
Rating: Teens -
Uploaded on: 4th Jun 11
2 - Harry Potter and the Elder Sect :: Chapter Two - First Contact
Word count: 12,117 -
Reviews: 47 -
Rating: Teens -
Uploaded on: 5th Apr 12
3 - Harry Potter and the Elder Sect :: Chapter Three - Negotiations
Word count: 16,961 -
Reviews: 38 -
Rating: Teens -
Uploaded on: 21st Jun 12
4 - Harry Potter and the Elder Sect :: Exposure
Word count: 13,251 -
Reviews: 34 -
Rating: Teens -
Uploaded on: 13th Oct 12
5 - Harry Potter and the Elder Sect :: The Club
Word count: 11,200 -
Reviews: 5 -
Rating: Teens -
Uploaded on: 8th Jul 13
6 - Harry Potter and the Elder Sect :: Chapter Six - Decisions
Word count: 9,938 -
Reviews: 10 -
Rating: Teens -
Uploaded on: 10th Oct 13