By Clell65619
empirebldr posted a comment on Sunday 14th October 2012 2:37am
Someone quoting Spaceballs in Harry Potter fic. Who knew?
Tenchifew posted a comment on Sunday 14th October 2012 1:58am
Absolutely great and hilarious story.
thank you for writing.
Zamia posted a comment on Sunday 14th October 2012 1:19am
Very enjoyable & comical. Still can't picture Bella singing bass. Pity Harry didn't have a chance to give Malfoy some pain before Endora interrupted. Good read. Cheers.
Mathew McCrillis posted a comment on Sunday 14th October 2012 12:30am
Hilarious chapter, I especially liked the idea of Lucius's penalty.
sylvelle posted a comment on Saturday 13th October 2012 11:22pm
Love it.. More please.
Gioia posted a comment on Saturday 13th October 2012 10:51pm
Thank you for the update! I greatly enjoyed it. Love the way he's fitting in well with Slytherin!
LeprechaunJV posted a comment on Saturday 13th October 2012 10:26pm
Good chapter. Lucius donating new brooms to the school is an excellent idea.
goku90504 posted a comment on Saturday 13th October 2012 10:17pm
i agree great chapter over all but i believe where you used winnowed is a typo
Riegert8 posted a comment on Saturday 13th October 2012 9:53pm
Very good chapter
Wolf470 posted a comment on Monday 17th September 2012 7:53pm
Great chapter, and Harry attempts to wake Riddle up. I don't really think it'll take but you gotta give him credit for trying.
anf600 posted a comment on Saturday 15th September 2012 2:08pm
Awesome fic - So Voldie is still going to be a pain - it was too good to be true. XD
sisyphus1967 posted a comment on Friday 20th July 2012 11:55pm
Hilarious. I'd love to see where you go with this.
Lydia_Hood posted a comment on Monday 16th July 2012 9:33am
Its a crazy story, but quite fun and interesting, I just hope you don't somehow have it made around so Voldie ends up a Elder and have to fight some epic duel just for the sake of making this into a big show, it would be better to just have Voldie fail over and over, without ever pulling it out, alot more amusing.
I mean I am already seing how it could be turned to be that messy Elder VS Elder combat... mostly by him getting a new body with Harry's blood, but that would suck, since there is no logical ways he should be able to reach the point of being able to do that, if he tried he would have the unholy horros done to him before he was ever able to cut Harry for the blood. So yea... better keep him failing and failing and perpetually failing.
Christopher Estep posted a comment on Monday 9th July 2012 1:57pm
Tom shoulda stayed in bed - Harry warned him. Tabitha warned him. Now, Maurice warned him. Apparently, Riddle remains Utterly Clueless.
Christopher Estep posted a comment on Monday 9th July 2012 1:54pm
Oh, now THIS is fun - I wondered what would happen if Sirius the MILF hunting wizard ran into Serena the man-hunting Elder Witch. (Remember, neither "historically" shows any signs of having boundaries as to whether their targets are magical or not.)
Jdnokc posted a comment on Sunday 8th July 2012 11:30pm
An excellent story. Hope to see more.
Jarrod posted a comment on Monday 2nd July 2012 7:58am
Well Done, and a lot of fun. The question then becomes where and for how long are you taking this story? Spin it off on what Harry does exploring the society. Play witht he houses and how he views them? Looking forward to see where you go.
Darkwoofe posted a comment on Monday 25th June 2012 8:43am
I absolutely love this story and I'm always looking forward to more. Reading an update this morning has set me in a good mood for the day. I can't wait for more. Thank you for the hard work!
Bob Officer posted a comment on Sunday 24th June 2012 9:33pm
Yep, interesting twist. Continue, or maybe a trip by Endora's travel service could be arranged for you
Cliff Bryner posted a comment on Sunday 14th October 2012 10:45am