By Clell65619
Deborahsu posted a comment on Friday 6th April 2012 12:45pm
Well, I'm enjoying it, too! I'd love to see an update sooner rather than later if you can manage it. :-)
gadriam posted a comment on Friday 6th April 2012 12:44pm
Absolutely wonderful. Such a shock to the brits thet there are still people around to make them all look like muggles. The easy rapport between the remaining marauders and the Stevens was a bit surprising, but very nice.
As "Poke fun at Snapes hair" is a minor commandment in my personal religion, i thank you for the observance.
All in all, the combination between Plotline and Author for this story has a tremendous potential for greatness. Keep it up. When you update, i won't be far away.
Orion posted a comment on Friday 6th April 2012 12:18pm
Great! Thanks for writing.
Bob Officer posted a comment on Friday 6th April 2012 8:26am
Nice Twist, Serena and Sirius.
Since Sirius doesn't trust Dumbles and if Serena's TV personality holds true, she will delight in Screwing with the "Leader of Light/Plaid."
Maybe the Elder could find a way to cure Remus, while they are playing with the story.
Patches posted a comment on Friday 6th April 2012 3:28am
This is a great story. I love Bewitched. It is fun to think of "wand wavers" as a weaker form of witches and warlocks. Of course Harry would be stronger than most and now he is a warlock of the Elder Sect. I love the way that Samantha put the magical FBI and Dumbledore in their place. Having Peeves and then the Slytherin House Ghosst and Helena Ravenclaw all recognize "Aunt Clara" as Rowena Ravenclaw was terrific. It was wonderful when she told Albus, Minerva and Severus the true story of the end of the founders. It was great too when Samantha put Severus in his place for his attitude toward her "son", Harry. Changing his ha\ir from Blond curls like Lockhart to straight greasy black hair was funny. I love all the magic in this story. I especially look forward to more of this story. Thanks for writing. pms
M. F. Enright posted a comment on Friday 6th April 2012 3:25am
an excellent chapter. thank you very much!
Anansii posted a comment on Friday 6th April 2012 2:31am
Grin - I'd actually forgotten about this one. Thanks for chapter two!
rejndzer87 posted a comment on Friday 6th April 2012 2:30am
i can't figure it out: is this a sabrina the teenage witch crossover? you mention the witches' council, and they can lock spells, and stuff like that, but i don't remember them needing any signature gestures. of course, it's been years since i've last watched sabrina, so i could be wrong... great story, by the way. characters are interesting. tho i can't see how anything in the wizarding world could possibly pose a serious threat to one of the elders, let alone a whole family of them.
Zaz posted a comment on Friday 6th April 2012 12:55am
Awesome! : D
Mathew McCrillis posted a comment on Thursday 5th April 2012 10:29pm
Grandma Clara has told me about how she found the bad guy trying to hurt me and she messed him up real good.
That is comedy gold, nice job on this chapter too!
jim5 posted a comment on Thursday 5th April 2012 9:52pm
Thank you Bob for nagging about this one, and please keep nagging.
makarva posted a comment on Thursday 5th April 2012 9:37pm
genial!!! simplemente genial
Katsuhito posted a comment on Thursday 5th April 2012 9:06pm
Yeah! Another chapter has arrived'ed. And can I just say, Leader of the Plaid?!? ROFLMAO!!!!! Makes me think of some kind of crossover with Spaceballs with Harry fighting Dark Helmet with the Schwartz of Gryffindor while Dumbledore watches in the background dressed in old-style golfing plaid. Must be a crack!fic. ;-)
Anyway, good chapter. The bit with Serena and Sirius was amusing too, and not just because their names are similar. I look forward to the next installment of whichever of your WIPs you next update. :)
The Seeker posted a comment on Thursday 5th April 2012 8:54pm
Lots of good elements in this chapter: Harry remembering his dad and friends' animagus forms, learning how Snape got his black, greasy hair, Serena 'playing' with Sirius, but most of all seeing Hogwarts and wand users from the perspective of the real magic users. About the only part I didn't like was how dense Dumbledore, Snape, and McGonagall were portrayed when Sam and Clara visited Hogwarts, and none of them could figure out who or what they were.
sffilk posted a comment on Thursday 5th April 2012 8:54pm
It's nice to see a new chapter FINALLY out. Hopefully we won't have to wait as long for Chapter 3?
Hytekrednek posted a comment on Thursday 5th April 2012 8:21pm
Oh this story is starting to get really good. Got to love it when Sirius has a woman that can keep him in line. Looking forward to the next chapter.
The Seeker posted a comment on Thursday 5th April 2012 8:12pm
This is the first HP/Bewitched xover I've read, and what a treat it is. Beyond the fun of putting them together, I am most pleased by the endless possibilities of Dumbledore being outclassed at every turn. Excellent start!
Riegert8 posted a comment on Thursday 5th April 2012 7:35pm
This is a Interesting Chapter, I am looking forward to see what happen to Snape.
DrT posted a comment on Thursday 5th April 2012 7:34pm
Trying to imagine a blond Snape . . . my head still hurts. Other than that, loved Clara's homecoming, and of course their reactions to 'the premier magical school.' Great chapter.
dogbertcarroll posted a comment on Friday 6th April 2012 1:19pm