By Clell65619
James Barber posted a comment on Sunday 5th June 2011 12:19pm
Hey that was positively brilliant! You again have masterly written a crossover that had me literally glued to the edge of my seat....thanks for writing it and I hope you can update again this year....hehehehehehe just kidding sort of!
Lee Dickie posted a comment on Sunday 5th June 2011 10:43am
A great trip down memory lane and it will be fun to see Albus butting ego's with Eldora.
dezzal posted a comment on Sunday 5th June 2011 9:23am
awesome start man. im looking forward to reading more.
neely61 posted a comment on Sunday 5th June 2011 8:34am
This is great. Don't recall ever seeing a bewitched crossover. If there are others would appreciate a heads up on where. My favorite crossovers to date have been Addams Family and X-Men and DC(Mr. Black's adventures). Definitely like this chapter and can't wait to see what you have in store.
M. F. Enright posted a comment on Sunday 5th June 2011 7:23am
very enjoyable!! thank you
WSRaptor posted a comment on Sunday 5th June 2011 6:57am
Fantastic idea and story!!! I don't think anyone has ever thought of crossing the Bewitched universe with the HP universe. The fact that the story was extremely well written and well thought out only adds to this. Please, PLEASE, continue to write this story!
AngelQueen posted a comment on Sunday 5th June 2011 5:50am
*giggles* Oh, this is going to be entertaining! Given Endora's penchant for the flamboyant, why do I have a feeling that she's going to be tormenting Dumbledore every time he tries to get his hands on Harry? And that's after Samantha's done with him. *cackles*
This sounds like so much fun! Can't wait to to see where you take this! :)
Mathew McCrillis posted a comment on Sunday 5th June 2011 3:25am
I'm loving this story from the first chapter.
Thanks for the fun story!
darthloki posted a comment on Sunday 5th June 2011 3:02am
This is completely awesome! I love it!
The Midnight Poster posted a comment on Sunday 5th June 2011 2:57am
I haven't watched Bewitched since it was first on in the 60s-70s. Had to look it up to remember who Aunt Clara was. I like what you'v done with her.
as always looking forward to more.
Chris1 posted a comment on Sunday 5th June 2011 2:41am
Loved the Fawkes bits :D Looking forward to more :)
And it's nice to NOT see the "Dumbledore orders XXX to go kidnap Harry" scenario.
Celevon posted a comment on Sunday 5th June 2011 1:30am
I always loved that old show "Bewitched"! Endora always cracked me up whenever she called Darrin "Durwood". Great beginning for what will be a fun story. I hope Endora, Clara and Samantha have plenty of surprises in store should Dumbledore decide to try his manipulative ways to ensure Harry falls into his control. I'd like to see Endora tangle with Molly Weasley, should Harry decide to attend Hogwarts! Bravo!
alec_potter posted a comment on Saturday 4th June 2011 11:49pm
Nice story, very interesting pairing of genes. The cross over should be fun to read through. Keep updating.
dan26 posted a comment on Saturday 4th June 2011 11:34pm
A short but uniquly beliveable story comes to mind
Wolf550e posted a comment on Saturday 4th June 2011 11:29pm
There is a serious problem with the "last descendant of someone who lived a thousand years ago" trope. The genes of the successful (rich / powerful) people who lived in the middle ages are in millions of Europeans (and thus, Americans). All of Western Europe is descended from Charlemagne, and I'm sure all of Wizarding Britain is descended from Godric Gryffindor. Descent from legitimate heirs (direct male line, born in wedlock, able to inherit) is much less probable, but this is not what we're talking about.
Huge disparity in power quickly leads to: "Harry wished all the world's problems would be solved. He snapped his fingers, and it was so. Harry looked at the world with all its problems solved, and it was good."
Clell65619 replied:
- As a general rule you're right about an ever spreading family tree. There are, however trees that have been pruned root and branch. In the grand scheme of things, pretty much any of us are related to pretty much any major personalty sharing our heritage from a thousand years ago. Individual lines can and do die out. In this case the Gryffindor line was winnowed down to a single family, of which Harry is the sole survivor.
- While the Bewitched canon magic users are absurdly powerful compared to JKR's canon, they aren't gods. There won't be any solving the worlds problems.
Orion posted a comment on Saturday 4th June 2011 11:02pm
Very interesting. I generally enjoy crossovers, and having read quite a few HP crosses, I'm quite pleased to run into one that I have never seen before. I find the power discrepancy issue especially interesting. Also the difference that magic done by one wizard can only be undone by the same one.
As for Dumbledore, I'm usually a fan of him either way - good or bad - but I've seen a lot less of the good lately, and even if this is "less manipulative bastard" rather than "grandfather/teacher/leader" it will still be refreshing change of pace. Not that it's not fun seeing evil-D get an anvil dropped on him on occasion too.
Riegert8 posted a comment on Saturday 4th June 2011 10:39pm
This is an Interesting chapter
OdinMage posted a comment on Saturday 4th June 2011 8:48pm
I can not wait for more of this. I absolutely love this idea, it's a crossover I've never seen, and one I want to see a lot more of! I saw a bit of this chapter... I think in the Caer Azkaban Yahoo! Group, and was hungry for more even after that little bit, the way you've finished up the chapter is great, and I really want to see more soon!
Keep writing!
drewz05 posted a comment on Saturday 4th June 2011 8:46pm
Are the children going to notice when Darrin is replaced by a completely different person, twice!?
hyperswain posted a comment on Sunday 5th June 2011 1:28pm