By Clell65619
Wanderer posted a comment on Wednesday 3rd January 2018 11:36pm
"Neville is the only the seventh of my students to discover the concept entirely on his own, and the first in most of two hundred years."The Alchemist looked on with approval as the combined Elemental submitted to the boy. "Yes, I expect great things from young Mr. Longbottom.""So Cool!""Bombing from orbit isn't the answer for everything," Harry objected."It's a good answer for a whole lot of things," Tony disagreed. "And you make a good point; a dedicated satellite over Hogwarts would make me feel better, and that satellite having a few precision kinetic packages would make me feel a lot better.""There is nothing precise about orbital bombardment," Harry sighed."I was laughing so much with this!Gotta love the idea of Franklin Jr. & Hermione :)Lockheed!!? Ohs Noes... poor Harry! lol
Wanderer posted a comment on Wednesday 3rd January 2018 2:16am
Tigra and Sirius... yeah, I could see that lol
Wow... excellent job with the death of Peter.
They let him mope for two months? I honestly couldn't see either of those girls having that much patience. M
Wanderer posted a comment on Wednesday 3rd January 2018 12:08am
" If you accept this gift from her, Ramonda will be happy, and when Ramonda is happy, my life is so much easier."
That was when Harry decided not to short sheet T'Challa's bed. " Dude I just love the way you bring these characters to life and make them work so well together.
Oh man, I can't imagine what trouble Harry and friends are going to get up to with that Vibranium. Actually, I can, however I suspect your imagination is going to be a lot more fun than mine :) M
Wanderer posted a comment on Tuesday 2nd January 2018 10:48pm
Harry's rant at Remus was fantastic. I've seen similar, and of course Harry Stark is a much more reasoned and eloquent young man than 99% of the iterations of Harry Potter's I've read in this position, but his words really cut to the truth of Remus's failure as a friend of the Potters and as a person who supposedly cared about Harry's well being.
Something bothers me about the way Tracey is treated. Being the next Heir of House Davis should bring the more clever and informed of Slytherin House to her with at the very least offers of alliance and mutual aid. For there to be not a single member of any of their house to have family in any way aware of her status is just... well, it is honestly not at all believable. I get that you need her isolated, but I would encourage you to revise that isolation to be at least somewhat self induced - have her be clever enough to see through some offers, have some offers be rudely or crassly presented enough to have offended her and then have her be stubborn enough to refuse subsequent attempts on general principle. That should all occur during first year - you could even have had one of the Seventh years be a Friend of House Davis that got her through those initial problems but she's on her own since he/she graduated. Just a thought.
Then came her kiss - and you set it up beautifully with his ealier 'relationship' "Was that a 'lets be friends' kiss?" That had me laughing out loud in appreciation, not just for your build up, but for the sheer amusement of the moment, albeit at Harry's expense. The poor boy would just be flumoxed and absolutely clueless on how to interpret the experience. Classic!
Super fun story so far! M
Wanderer posted a comment on Tuesday 2nd January 2018 2:17am
Is there anyone called the Magician? LMAO!
Then the locals show up and they are all "meh" ... laughed through that whole scene, great job!
Well that ended horrifically! M
Wanderer posted a comment on Tuesday 2nd January 2018 1:43am
I really enjoyed the descriptions of the various team projects, they made a lot of sense and it was fun how you used the various faction meetings / family planning to convey them.
Stalk and capture your own mate lol, great stuff!
Wanderer posted a comment on Tuesday 2nd January 2018 1:13am
I had completely forgotten about Luna, that really was slick of you.
Gotta love Lucy's 'warning' :) M
Wanderer posted a comment on Tuesday 2nd January 2018 12:27am
Oh shite, the gargoyle as a rubber duck bit was fantastic!
I like the lead in with the project, a clever plot device with a lot of potential :) M
Wanderer posted a comment on Tuesday 2nd January 2018 12:04am
This chapter had lots to smile about, and a whole lot of fun backgrounding :) M
Wanderer posted a comment on Monday 1st January 2018 11:27pm
Not sure why, but I could not find a way to respond to your reply... so, here:
Aha! Learn something new every day :)
Wanderer posted a comment on Monday 1st January 2018 11:24pm
Yep, you did a good job of 'flipping that switch'. It gave Harry time to be a kid and bond with many of the 'Supers', but most importantly to create the parental bonds with Tony and Pepper. Those bonds then fuel his protective nature and away we go with Focused!Harry ;) Well done! M
Wanderer posted a comment on Monday 1st January 2018 10:59pm
Your explanation of why Lucius would pass on the Diary was so much better than any other I've seen given - on the rare occasions there is a reason given at all. All too often the excuse is that Arthur (or the MoM in general) is raiding his house for Dark Magic and he has to get rid of it.
I won't bother to go into the plot holes/loops that creates, but your reasoning, while still having Lucius put himself personally at risk, at least has a reasonable motivation.
Well, I asked why Harry would possibly want to go back - you answered. Magic, naturally ;) M
Wanderer posted a comment on Monday 1st January 2018 10:28pm
I appreciate the heads up on the Marvel et al. Still, at this point I cannot remember why - nor can I honestly see a possible reason for - Harry staying in Dumbles madhouse. M
Wanderer posted a comment on Monday 1st January 2018 10:06pm
but not as silly as the DC Universe’s Green Arrow’s Boxing gloves arrows.
Right? Thank you!
LOL, fun chapter, and thanks for the run-down on the Heroes :) M
Wanderer posted a comment on Monday 1st January 2018 9:42pm
Super fun to look up and read about all the different heroes, oh, and the story is good too ;) M
Wanderer posted a comment on Monday 1st January 2018 9:21pm
Hmmm, Albus's reaction seems a bit... over the top. He is well aware of Agatha's capabilities, not to mention her affiliation / reason for being there at all would be for Harry. It is unlike him to be so blatantly threatening let alone so emotionally out of control. Past that the chapter was lots of fun, and definitely gives a glimpse into just how powerful - and yet not so in control - young Harry is. M
Wanderer posted a comment on Monday 1st January 2018 9:04pm
It really was too cute to pass up.
Also, why * SQUARK! *??? lol M
Clell65619 replied:
SQUARK! is the canon sound effect for the use of Chaos magic.
Wanderer posted a comment on Monday 1st January 2018 8:44pm
The simple, straight forward and blindingly blunt way Harry presents everything while ripping Snape a new one is simply Glorious! *laughs* M
Wanderer posted a comment on Monday 1st January 2018 8:27pm
*claps wildly* at the end of your song
Ahhh, returning to this story has been a true pleasure, I can't wait to delve back in! M
fyrecat posted a comment on Friday 5th January 2018 1:32am